Page 234 - My Business
P. 234
ZAO Zarya Pedigree Farm, Rodnikovsky District
ZAO Zarya Pedigree Farm,
(Closes Joint-Stock Company)
Rodnikovsky District (Closes Joint-Stock Company)
The collective farm Zarya was established in
1951 based on the collective farms The 8th of
March and Druzhba (Friendship). For ten years
the enterprise has been a pedigree farm en-
gaged in the breeding of Yaroslavl cows.
Located on the territory of the farm are a kin-
dergarten-school and a community center
which the enterprise supports financially to
the extent they need.
ZAO Zarya pedigree farm is engaged in the pro-
duction and marketing of milk, meat, cows, and
the growth of cereal crops and fodders. Since
2008 the enterprise has been selling Yaroslavl
breed cows.
The enterprise regularly carries out the pedi-
gree selection to enhance the genetic poten-
tial, which increases the animals’ milk yield
and fertility.
The enterprise closely cooperates with Bel-
yayev Agricultural Academy of Ivanovo and
All-Russian Institute of Cattle Breeding in Po-
dolsk. Seventy percent of the company staff are
aged under 35.
The company employs an automatic zoocul-
tural registration system using the SELEKS
software that makes it possible to determine
the pedigree value of each animal. ZAO Zarya
pedigree farm has a good fodder supply base.
It additionally buys energy-rich fodders and
mineral nutrients. The enterprise breeds ex-
clusively the domestic Yaroslavl breed cows. In
2019 it commissioned a cowshed for 400 head
of cattle with a milking section. Currently un-
der construction is a cowshed for 400 head of
cattle with a calving department.
The enterprise supplies its products to AO
Danon Russia company in Vladimir, and OOO
Cheese factory Volzhanka in Kostroma region.
1, Vesyolaya str., Nikulskoye village, Rodnikovsky district, Ivanovo region, 155250
1, Vesyolaya str., Nikulskoye village, Rodnikovsky district, Ivanovo region, 155250
Telephone: +79051064341, (49336) 2-65-38 | e-mail:
Telephone: +79051064341 | e-mail: