Page 238 - My Business
P. 238
SPK Russiya,
Farming Production Cooperative
The kolkhoz “Rossiya” (Russia) has existed within
the current borders since 1961. In March, 1993, the
kolkhoz was restructured into the TOO APP Rossi-
ya (limited liability partnership for agro-industrial
production). In June, 2022, the Rossiya agro-in-
dustrial production cooperative was renamed the
“Russiya” agro-industrial production cooperative.
The farming business is in possession of 2,633 ha
of cropland, 1,173 head of cattle, including 460
dairy producing cows.
The Company is engaged in breeding and sale of
Yaroslavl pedigree cattle and production and sale
of milk. In 2013, the Company got a status of a
pedigree breeder, and was subsequently convert-
ed to a stud farm for breeding Yaroslavl cattle.
The main line in crop production is the growing
and sale of elite varieties of grains. In 2015, the
Company was awarded the status of a seed pro-
duction enterprise.
In 1993, a meat processing workshop with its own
slaughterhouse was put into operation. The Com-
pany’s product range includes boiled and smoked
sausages, frankfurters, bockwurst sausages, meat
delicacies, and semi-finished products which are
produced and subsequently sold in the Ivanovo
In stockbreeding we maintain a systematic zoo-
technical accounting by using the SELEKS soft-
ware and permanently work on the pedigree se-
lection of livestock. To keep the animals healthy
and improve the milk quality, the Company buys
energy-rich fodder and supplementary mineral
9, Molodyozhnaya str., Ostretsovo village, Rodnikovski district, Ivanovo region, 155232
Теl.: 8 (49336) 4-43-18, 4-43-35,4-43-37 |