Page 105 - My Business
P. 105

NIKA, LLC, Fusion TMC, Fusion TM
                                                    NIKA, LL

 Nika  has  been
       Nika  has  been  operating  since  2012, operating  since  2012,
       producing clothing covers, packaging overs, packaging
 producing clothing c
       for  textiles,  promotional  bags,  shoe bags,  shoe
 for  textiles,  promotional
 bags, cosmetic bags, cosmetic bags, and storage sys- bags, and storage sys-
       tems. Its own production facilities al-facilities al-
 tems. Its own production
       low the company to provide high quali- to provide high quali-
 low the company
       ty, short deadlines for order fulfillment for order fulfillment
 ty, short deadlines
 (5–15 days), optimal
       (5–15 days), optimal prices, as well as prices, as well as
 any modifications
       any modifications to products as relat-to products as relat-
       ed to size and design.
 ed to size and design.
 The  company  The  company  uses  only  high-quality uses  only  high-quality
 materials.  High
       materials.  High  wear  resistance  and wear  resistance  and
 attractive  presentation
       attractive  presentation  of  Fusion  TM of  Fusion  TM
 covers are achie
       covers are achieved due to the use of ved due to the use of
 Spunbond Text Spunbond Texton (Poland). In addition, on (Poland). In addition,
 the company’s  the company’s portfolio includes spun-portfolio includes spun-
 bond made in Belarus,
       bond made in Belarus, LDPE and PVC  LDPE and PVC
 films.  films.
       Number of employees: 30 people.yees: 30 people.
 Number of emplo

                  Ivanovo, Pavla Bolshevikova, 27, Letter A, office 605    |    Tel.: 8(804)333-98-68, 8(920)350-78-50 (WhatsApp / Viber)vikova, 27, Letter A, office 605    |    Tel.: 8(804)333-98-68, 8(920)350-78-50 (WhatsApp / Viber)
   Ivanovo, Pavla Bolshe    Ivanovo, Pavla Bolshevikova, 27, Letter A, office 605   |   Tel.: 8(920)350-78-50 (WhatsApp / Viber)
                              е-mail: info@fusion37  е-mail:   |   упаковка
                                             е-mail:    |    упаковка,    |    упаковка,
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